Saree Not Saree: India 2013

It's funny how time and distance change you, the roads you take don't always lead you home.

When The Rickshaw Is A Rockin…



I just drafted a lovely post about my evening, yet due to my temperamental laptop it has disappeared. I would love to say I have to patients to retype my masterpiece, but no. I will give the highlights for your reading pleasure in step form.

Please enjoy the visual:

  1. Orientation Scavenger Hunt
  2. Team Chai–tried to lose and just get tea all over the city
  3. VICTORY (much to our surprise)
  4. Six weeks later…..
  5. Gift Certificates??? COOL
  6. Dinner out with Priya and KP with gift certificate in hand (THANKS CIEE)
  7. Natankali Gali also know as “The Rainforrest Cafe of India”
  8. Did I mention is was kitchy?
  9. Dinning in a refurbished auto (please see above photo–yes, we ate in there)
  10. Under a faux oak tree

My evening in a nutshell–saving energy for ladies night at the Park Hotel on Wednesday! Pictures to come.

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This entry was posted on February 11, 2013 by .